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PdfDocument Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 PdfDocument (PrjDefMemManage *project)
bool Generate (const wxFileName &filename)
const int GetFontSize () const
const double GetLineSpacing () const
const bool IsDecorated () const
void SetDecorate (bool value)
void SetLineSpacing (double value)
void SetFontSize (int value)
void SetPaperFormat (wxPaperSize value)
void SetPaperSize (double width, double height)
void SetPaperOrientation (wxPrintOrientation value)
double GetUsablePageWidth ()
bool IsLandscape ()
wxPdfDocument * GetPdfRef ()
const bool IsTwoColsLayout () const
void SetTwoColsLayout (bool value)
const bool HasPageBreak () const
void SetPageBreak (bool value)
void SetOnePage (bool value)

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