This is the complete list of members for tmGISDataVector, including all inherited members.
AddGeometry(OGRGeometry *Geom, const long &oid, int layertype=wxNOT_FOUND) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
CheckGEOSCrosses(GEOSGeom *g1, GEOSGeom *g2) | tmGISDataVector | protected |
CheckGEOSIntersection(GEOSGeom *rect, GEOSGeom *object) | tmGISDataVector | protected |
Close() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
CloseGeometry() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
CreateGEOSGeometry(OGRGeometry *geom) | tmGISDataVector | protected |
CreateGEOSGeometry(const tmRealRect &rect) | tmGISDataVector | protected |
CreateGISBasedOnExt(const wxString &extension) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | static |
CreateGISBasedOnType(const int &gis_format_index) | tmGISData | static |
CreateGISVectorBasedOnExt(const wxString &extension) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | static |
CreateGISVectorBasedOnType(const int &gis_format_index) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | static |
CreateOGRGeometry(const wxRealPoint &pt) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | protectedstatic |
CreateOGRGeometry(const tmRealRect &rect) | tmGISDataVector | static |
CreateSpatialIndex(GDALProgressFunc progress, void *pfProgressData) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
CutLineAtVertex(long oid, const wxRealPoint &clickedpt, int searchRadius, int layertype) | tmGISDataVector | |
CutLineGeometry(OGRLineString *line1, OGRLineString *line2, OGRMultiLineString &res1, OGRMultiLineString &res2) | tmGISDataVector | |
CutLineMultiple(OGRLineString *linetocut, OGRMultiLineString *cutlines, OGRMultiLineString &results) | tmGISDataVector | |
DeleteFile(const wxString &layername) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
EnableLogging(bool enable=true) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinestatic |
GetAllData() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
GetAllSupportedGISFormatsExtensions() | tmGISData | static |
GetAllSupportedGISFormatsWildcards() | tmGISData | static |
GetAllVectorGISFormatsWildcards() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | static |
GetBeginEndInterseciton(OGRGeometry *geometry, OGRGeometry *buffer, wxArrayRealPoints &points) | tmGISDataVector | protected |
GetCoordConvert() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inline |
GetCount() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetDataSizeAsHtml(int iPrecision=2) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
GetDataType() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inline |
GetFeatureByOID(long oid) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetFieldsCount() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetFieldsMetadata() | tmGISDataVector | |
GetFieldsName(wxArrayString &Fields, long oid=wxNOT_FOUND) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetFieldsValue(wxArrayString &values, long oid) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetFullFileName() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inline |
GetGeometryColByOID(wxArrayLong *OIDs) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetMetaDataAsHtml() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
GetMinimalBoundingRectangle() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
GetMinimalBoundingRectangleAsHtml(int iprecision=2) | tmGISData | protected |
GetNextDataLine(int &nbvertex, long &oid, bool &isOver) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetNextDataPoint(long &oid, bool &isOver) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetNextDataPolygon(int currentring, int &nbvertex) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetNextDataPolygonInfo(long &oid) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetNextFeature() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetNextGeometry(bool restart, long &oid) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetShortFileName() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inline |
GetSnapCoord(const wxRealPoint &clickpt, double buffersize, wxArrayRealPoints &snapppts, int snaptype) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
GetSpatialType() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
GetTableName(TOC_GENERIC_NAME type) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetVertexIntersection(OGRGeometry *geometry, OGRGeometry *buffer, wxArrayRealPoints &points) | tmGISDataVector | protected |
InitGISDrivers(bool bRaster=TRUE, bool bVector=TRUE) | tmGISData | static |
InitGISDriversVector() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | static |
InsertVertex(OGRGeometry *pointbuffer, wxRealPoint ptclicked, OGRLineString *line, int &inseredvertex) | tmGISDataVector | |
InsertVertexMultiple(OGRLineString *line, OGRMultiPoint *vertex, const wxArrayInt &point_pos) | tmGISDataVector | |
IsLoggingEnabled() (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinestatic |
IsPointSnapped(const wxRealPoint &point, int snaptype, long excludeoid=wxNOT_FOUND) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
IsRaster() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
LinesMerge(OGRMultiLineString *linetomerge, OGRGeometry **linemerged) | tmGISDataVector | |
LoadLayer(tmLayerProperties *layerprop) | tmGISData | static |
m_ClassType (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | protected |
Open(const wxString &filename, bool bReadWrite=TRUE) | tmGISData | virtual |
ResetReading() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
SafeBuffer(OGRGeometry *ogrgeom, int size) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | protectedstatic |
SafeCreateFromGEOS(GEOSGeom geom) | tmGISDataVector | protectedstatic |
SafeIntersection(OGRGeometry *geom1, OGRGeometry *geom2) | tmGISDataVector | protectedstatic |
SafeUnion(OGRGeometry *union1, OGRGeometry *line) | tmGISDataVector | protectedstatic |
SearchData(const tmRealRect &rect, int type) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inlinevirtual |
SearchIntersectingGeometry(OGRGeometry *intersectinggeom) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
SetAttributeFilter(const wxString &query) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
SetCoordConvert(tmCoordConvert *coordconvert) (defined in tmGISData) | tmGISData | inline |
SetSpatialFilter(tmRealRect filter, int type) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
SplitGeometry(OGRGeometryCollection *gCol, const long &oid, wxArrayLong &AddedIds, int layertype) | tmGISDataVector | virtual |
tmGISData() | tmGISData | |
tmGISDataVector() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | |
UpdateGeometry(OGRGeometry *geom, const long &oid) (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector | inlinevirtual |
~tmGISData() | tmGISData | |
~tmGISDataVector() (defined in tmGISDataVector) | tmGISDataVector |